Thursday, 11 December 2014

What film Institution would you use to make your film?

The film company that i have chosen to make my film is Colombia pictures.

A similar film that Colombia pictures has made is 'Girl Interrupted' about a young woman that is put in to a mental hospital. The similar themes are mental illness. A particular film that is similar to my thriller is 'Girl Interrupted'. Below is a video extract from this film.

  Although the story line is completely different there are many similar qualities including the mental hospital, and the long corridors with the bright white lights that has a clinical feel that is exactly what we want in our film. You also get an insight in to the life's of the other patients in the hospital as a background feature. Columbia pictures make high budget films with big named stars for example Girl Interrupted budget was roughly 40,000,000 and it starred famous actresses Angelina Jolie and Brittany Murphy.  I could see my product being advertised on their website because it attracts a variety of different audiences with each film being different. The website is bold and striking and i think my films storyline has this sort of theme that can attract many different people. Below is a link to the institutions website.

I would make money from my film by showing it in a chain cinema as i would want it to be shown to as many people as possible worldwide and not specific audiences as i think this film could interest people in different ways. For example young people might be interested in the idea of a mental hospital as they might not be familiar with what it is like.I would then release it on DVD as this would give people who hadn't seen it in cinema a chance to see it and would attract other types of audience who might not normally watch this this type of genre. This film company does not specialize in a particular genre as they attract a variety of audience for example 'surfs up' an animated film compared to 'Flick' a comedy film featuring Adam Sandler. Columbia pictures specialize in high budget pictures for example 'Surfs up' had a budget for 100 million pounds. Columbia pictures have no particular target audience as there is huge variety in their range of films for example quantum of solace, The pursuit of happyness, surfs up and Gandhi.

    Wednesday, 10 December 2014

    Reviewing test shoot

    Reviewing your test shoot:

    Has your idea translated well to film? Have you made a thriller?
    Our idea has translated well in to a film but once we incorporate edits and music it will be a lot more thrilling however it is clear and easy to read. 

    Is the pace the right length?
    The party shots are too long and therefore do not hold the tension however   the corridor shots are a good length and do hold the unexpected tension.

    Is your idea clear to a viewer? 
     It's a simplistic idea which is clear to the viewer

    Has tension been created?
    The corridor shot is full of tension because we filmed it on a low angle on the floor and this grips the audience as you have no idea what your about to see.

    Have the angles and camera movement you used work? Or could they be developed?
    A wider range of camera angles to build tension in the party shots are needed and quicker shots to pick up the pace otherwise the slow pace doesn't hold the tension.

    Do you need to add or take away anything from your test shoot?
    We need to take away the party idea because we feel that it wont look realistic and filming it with lots of actors all throughout the day wouldn't work. We have changed it to a psychological thriller set in a mental hospital but we will keep the idea of the camera entering the patients mind and him seeing things.

    What hasn’t worked, and or could be developed further?
    We need to develop each idea so we know exactly whats going to happen in each shot especially whats happening in the mans mind.

    What has worked well? And why?
         The corridor shot worked well because even with out editing or light or sound we were able to hold the tension and the strobe lighting that represented what was happening in the mans mind worked well with flashing torches.

    Wednesday, 3 December 2014

    Story Board (shots 6-10)



    Minute Meeting 1:

           - What have you done? (be detailed to your group)
    ·        We have discussed the intended location of the shots
    ·        We began to create our shot list for Thursday’s rough shoot
    ·        We discussed how were were to organize our minute meetings

    -         Targets? Individual/group
    ·        Brainstorm for the rest of the shot list

    -         Good vs Bad (what went well/badly and why?)
    ·        We didn’t achieve as much as we wanted to achieve
    ·        We came up with a wide range of new and improved ideas.


    Minute Meeting 2: 

    In our group we planned which locations we would be filming the concept idea for our thriller in within school grounds.
    We aimed to find out how which shots we would be filming, where and to improve and expand on the concept of our opening sequence idea. I was trying to think about what shots could increase the tension in our thriller.
    Perhaps because of the concept of our idea it was hard for us to add shots to increase tension without making our clip like a horror, but we found there are a few ideal locations in the school to get the footage we need, and we planned more on which shots we would do and in what sequence, as well as some of the details of the opening sequence (ie smashed photos on walls). 


    Minute Meeting 3: 

    What have you done?
    Today we did a test shoot for our thriller. This helped us see what shots would and would not work and even though we weren't using proper technical equipment we could see how we would film it using the location sheet and story board we planned. We filmed in the corridor and the upstairs hurtwood common room because we felt that this reflected the right conditions for when we actually film. e.g.  common room (house, homely)
    Targets? Individual/ group
    Our targets are to stick to the story board sheet more so we know exactly what we are doing and we can plan everything in advance.
    Individual targets: For us all to keep switching roles and everything there is to be done eg for us all to film and for us all to plan not just stick to specific roles.
    Good Vs Bad (What went well/ badly and why?)
    What went well was using what we had for example making use of the torches we had on our phone and using the locations to the full extent so it looked realistic e.g. filming in common upstairs hurtwood had an attic feel.
    What went badly was not sticking to our time plan and always referring back to our location sheet/ story board. 
    Minute Meeting 4: 

    What have you done? (be detailed to your group)

    Today we began the process of creating a mood board. Indie and Zell worked on creating a mood board for the location and the characterization and Lucas and Perry began creating a mood board of images which relate to the activity going on inside the patients head. 

    Targets? Individual/group

    By creating a mood board we wanted to have a focus point for all of our inspirational ideas. We all realised that we envisioned the opening sequence slightly differently so we thought that it might  benefit the group to combine all of our ideas so that we could share the same vision.

    Good vs Bad (what went well/badly and why?)

    We managed to combine our ideas so that we could all share the same vision. We had so many visual ideas that it was easy to organize our images.

    It was difficult to find specific images to represent what we wanted for example we found it difficult to find an image of the hospital bed which we wanted to use.


    Minute Meeting 5:

    Good vs Bad (what went well/badly and why?)

    What have you done:
    Today we finalised all our ideas for our thriller including plot and opening sequence. We looked at the whole idea and changed  things we knew wouldn’t  work for example setting it in the olden days as we would have to find specific props and costume and we know this will be difficult so we have decided to set it in a modern era with some out of date elements. We have talked about and finalised our ideas for location and specific shots.

    Our targets are to keep all our work organised as there is a lot of detail in our thriller for example mise en scene and camera angels.

    Good Vs Bad:
    What went well was finalising our decision for camera angles as we all have the same idea about the tension held throughout (using angles)
    What went badly was finalising our ideas about the plot because we wanted to keep it simple to be able to relate back to the opening sequence.