Thursday, 9 October 2014


To begin this task we were split in to groups. I was in a group with Gabriel, India and Fred. We were then given a prelim task storyboard (shown above) This portrayed clearly the scene structure, the lines for the actors and the camera angles we needed to use for each shot. After the actors had learnt there lines we set up the camera and then what we did was  film the whole sequence in each angle so when it came to editing we could cut and add bits easily. Our first problem was deciding who in our group did what as we wanted to find a balance between roles. To solve this we decided that Gabriel and Fred were going to act and India and I would be behind the camera and then to balance it we would add more scenes at the end and then all switch roles. To save time we moved the camera around as little as possible so we planned the shots to link up next to each other for example we would have filmed a wide shot and instead of moving the camera we would zoom in from there to set up our next shot where in this case was a close up. Our second problem was when we were filming the over the shoulder shots and we then switched sides, we realised that this would of been filmed the wrong way and the audience would be confused as to the different sides so we then realised we had to apply the 180 degree rule so that we could film it in the right way. When we first started to film we remembered to use the white balance and focus the camera in each shot but we didn't bubble the camera and we realised this when the camera wasn't level but we soon corrected it. If i was to do this prelim task again i think planning in advance is extremely necessary because then you have something to follow while your at the location and it is a smoother process. I would plan every angle and shot to follow with the actors having learnt there lines and also having checked locations to have a rough idea of the standing positions and possible entrances/ exits.

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