Within the Thriller genre there is a lot of variety, because of this, sub genres help categorize certain films more specifically to create a high degree of similarity.
Here are two film posters from the same thriller sub genre (Medical Thriller)
Here are the similarities between both posters in term of Mise en Scene, Themes and Characters
Themes: You can see on both posters that each characters focal point is directed towards the trigger of emotion in this case looking intrigued. This is gripping for the audience as it shows that they are interested in something and makes us want to know what that is.
Characters: Even though there is a boy and a girl on 'Awake's poster and two boys on 'Extreme measures poster' there are still two faces on each and this replicates more then one main character in both. It also shows a mainly even distribution between male and female roles.
Mise En Scene: In both posters there are props, costumes, lighting that represent a medical theme .e.g. An operating table, A drip filled with blood , Nurse costumes and masks. Most importantly the lighting represents the medical theme the best because both backgrounds are black but the faces are blurred around the edges with a white shadowy effect, this creates a dark an eery atmosphere that is perfect for a thriller. Both sets of title writing is in bright colours so that it catches the audiences eyes eg in Awake it is bright white (clinical) and in Extreme measures it is bright red (blood and danger)
Extreme Measures
List Of Sub Genres and examples of Films
Conspiracy Thriller
JFK (1991)
Crime Thriller
No Country for Old Men (2007)
Disaster Thriller
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Erotic Thriller
Body Heat (1981)
Legal Thrillers
A Time to Kill (1996)
Medical Thriller
Awake (2007)
Psychological Thrillers
Laura (1944)
Political Thriller
In the Line of Fire (1993)
Religious Thriller
The Da Vinci Code (2006)
Spy Thriller
The Bourne Identity (2002)
Supernatural Thrillers
Carrie (1976)
The Thriller genre that appeals the most to me at the moment and for inspiring me for my own opening title sequence is Medical/Psychological because i think these types of genres aren't exposed that much in the real world so the tension is always held as you never know what will come next. For example psychiatric hospitals.
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