Monday, 15 June 2015

Andrew Goodwins narrative theory- Illustration

Illustration is where there is a storyline within a music video that enhances the idea which is usually formed from an interpretation of the lyrics.
An example of this is theory is Last friday Night - Katy Perry 
The title shows a narrative theme as it is introducing Katy perry in her own video like a short film would proving the idea of illustration that it is going to display the story. 

The song shows Katy perry waking up in her room and from the mise en scene elements it is clear that she is waking up after a party has happened which supports the idea of 'last friday night' like she is about to explain to the audience how it happened therefore illustrating the story to make it clear and effective.
Here the party is happening as she is explaining it which completely fits the idea of the song therefore reinforcing each part of the story for the audience.

At the end of the video Katy perry is shown in the same place just after she's woken up to show that it was al real and that she has just told the story of what happened 'Last friday night' making Andrew Goodwins 'illustration theory' very clear for the audience. 

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