Monday, 15 June 2015

Andrew Goodwins theory- Disjuncture

Disjuncture is where the music video and the themes or ideas have nothing to do with each other or where they juxtapose each other.

An example of Andrew Goodwins theory of disjuncture is the music video scream by Michael Jackson. 


The theme of the song about wanting to scream and Michael and Janet (his sister) being in a spaceship have nothing to do with each other however they do juxtapose because a spaceship is small and chlostrophobic and wanting to scream is like wanting to escape that small space. This gives the audience a clearer picture of how frustrating it is and makes us empathise. 

The simple black and white that is used also supports the juxtapositions as it is two opposites that work together to support Andrew Goodwins theory of disjuncture.

The upside down shot of Michael Jackson helps the audience to see how chlostrophic and frustrated he is and that he wants to 'scream' which supports the juxtaposition.

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