Friday, 25 September 2015

Developed idea within group

After pitching our idea we have come up with what we think is the idea we will work with as we have developed a few of our ideas slightly.


Element 1 - WATER 
The first element is in the studio, we have an underwater theme even though our female actress won't be able to actually be underwater we will use projections, and lights to make it look like she is. We will also have fans to make her dress flow. She will be lip syncing.

Element 2 - WOODS 
For the second element our female actress will be in the woods lip syncing, using her dress as the main focus  so she fits in to the set with an edgy theme. The male artist will also be in this set and they will interact and lip sync together. There will be abandoned objects such as chest of drawers,mirrors,lights like an alice in wonderland sort of theme. So when she is walking/running through the woods she will come across these objects randomly. 

Element 3 - UV THEME 
As we have focused a lot on the other two elements and they have been explained clearly already that was just a simplified explanation as we are already sure we want to use both of those elements and there is already a lot of detail in our pitch. However this element we have only just developed and thought about. As we already have two elements which our natural and fit together well, we want one which will completely contrast this and make it more interesting to watch for the audience, so we have decided to use a UV set with UV make up/paint, while both the male and female are lip syncing.

 This UV set is the sort of look we are gong for as there is lots of colour and it is bold compared to the other two sets which is a change for the audience .However i do not think that we would be able to build this set because there is to much going on.

Here there are coloured threads of yarn in a cobweb sort of strucin uv colours tture and i think we could do something like this but do it in the trees of the woods and then paint them with uv paint so they glow which will work well with the uv make up. As we aren't building a final set and doing it in the woods, i think we should just add as much UV as possible.We would also use coloured confetti to fit in with the set.
Here is a video of a set in the woods which has graffiti spray paint in uv colours and paint and the actors have uv make up and wigs which is the same sort of look we are going for:

These are screenshots from the film that have the uv theme.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Tasks agreed on and completed

set design
Actor scouting

actor scouting
set design

Actor scouting- looking for potential actors questioning weather they will be able to do the shoot.
hair- looking at hair styles that will match the theme of our video
make up- looking at types/brands/styles of make up that will match our possible actors and them of video
location- looking at possible locations to use and permission

Deadline: Friday/Monday 25th/27th SEPTEMBER

Response and targets from feedback

Water element 

 -We would definitely have to shoot the water element of this video in slow motion using wires that we can suspend our artist on in slow motion  in order to achieve the floating effect.

-We will have to film it in in extra fast speed in order to be able to have the final video in slow motion.

-We would also have to use  a fan in order to create the floating look, and to make the dress float.

-When concentrating on props we  want to  include a fan to create the floaty water idea with her dress and hair floating in the air to give an underwater theme and make it more realistic.

-After we film this element of the video we would then have to heavily edit it, so that it looks like she’s under water.
-We will have to make sure we have the right editing software in order to be able to edit it in this way.
-Our idea for the woods is a bit too ‘Alice in Wonderland’ i.e. abandoned objects in the woods (wardrobe,furniture)

-We'd need to get rid of anything that would be associated with Alice in Wonderland

-We have decided not to focus on our main character in every frame, however it would be hard to shoot this music video without incorporating her in every frame, so we should have her in every shot but we will focus more on the cotume, hair and art graphics then the 'Alice in wonderland objects' 

-We will have to make sure we include the main character within every frame in this video so that the whole video revolves around our artist. 
-Although they are both elements, the woods theme and the water theme are completely different so it would be difficult to link the two together however we will chose a simple theme like costume and design to link both elements as well as a third element that will be used instead of the alice in wonderland idea, we will have a bright/neon theme using colourful makeup, uv lights and graffiti on the trees.

-We will think of a method in which we'd be able to link the two themes together and make our video relevant throughout.

-We would need something in the water that relates to the woods theme so that the two link eg the way the costume can be fit around the location ie tying the loose fabric to the trees. 

-We will think of something which we could include within the woods which links to the water and vice versa.

-Everyone has seen the water/ woods theme before, which means other people have already done it and people may have done it better than us so we need a new and original idea to make our video different and worth watching.

-We will further brainstorm our ideas in order to think of something which hasn't been done before and which is individual and innovative.

-If we have the water and woods elements it would make sense and link to then include the other elements – fire and air. We could incorporate this by using these elements with the projections we want to use in the woods.

-We will consider this idea and think of ways in which we could tie in these themes too.

-To make it interesting, we may have to intercut between the two.

-We will make sure, when editing our footage, that we intercut between the two as well as having enough footage of both elements.

-The costume that we have chosen is slightly unrealistic as it looks like it’s a handmade and expensive dress and the costume that we have chosen could also be too cold for the actor to wear in the woods, as we would be filming in winter.

-We will re-design our costume in order for it to be suitable for cold conditions, however we will try our hardest to design the dress in a way which makes it look tasteful and not tacky.

- To make the two elements link more successfully, we could have the dress changing colours i.e. colours bleeding down it in a dip dye sort of way.

-We will look at changing the colours of our dress in particular themes in order for the thematic ideas to link with the rest of our ideas.

Feedback from first group pitch

Here was our general feedback from our first group pitch for our main idea:

  • water theme is nice but a lot of prep in studio before to only be used briefly  (water needs to be incorporated more)
  • alice in wonderland theme is to cliche 
  • water is good idea with the projections and the idea of the free flowing costume to make most of slow motion
  • tee lights are to difficult to set up in woods 
  • We need a third element so we do not run out of footage and we have lots to cut between
  • clear about what she does underwater weather she is just lip syncing or dancing
  • more euphoric idea underwater (enjoying it) rather then drowning so no panic is needed.
  • specific woods? what happens in the woods?
  • costume needs to be practical in woods as it is cold in novemeber but also free flowing enough for the water to make it realistic.

Music video pitch

Friday, 11 September 2015

Feedback on original 3 ideas from class


  • Classic song is hard because it is so well known
  • great idea as boy is revealed as transvestite
  • To much like a short film rather then music video however good narrative 
  • Hard to make boy look realisticly like a girl 
  • interesting original and creative 
  • reverse motion/ he is walking backwards and everyone else is walking forward could potentially look tacky


  • love the theme of drowning/underwater- matches song 
  • like song choice 
  • like original idea of interesting looking artist flowing through water in white dress 
  • Couldn't film underwater properly so could look fake and tacky 
  • 3 minutes of being underwater could get boring need another location


  • Like the idea of set and costume and era changing when music beat picks up
  • actors might not make it look realistic when dancing wildly on set at 9 in the morning 
  • love downton abbey meats rock and roll theme
  • think it could look tacky without all the right set etc 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Music industry Research - Independant project

In this video i interview 21 year old sofia who works in a record shop in London in her uni holidays. She was the best person to ask as she sees people coming in and out every day what type of people, what kind of genres they like and weather they are actually buying old records. I also asked her most importantly what she thought about the internet and how that changes everything. The video above is the full interview

Music video Idea 1 Digipak and home page design ideas

For my third and final idea for the digipak i think it should be bold and daring as the themes of this music video/artist are. I want the male artist to be on the front of the digipak :a close up of his face with a white background. However in certain areas of the white background and on his face i want multi coloured squares filling the digipak to give the idea that the artist has lots of characater and charisma.

I also think in some of the multi coloured squares that there should be tiny collaged photos of the artists face so that the audience can see there is smaller details that are interesting to look at. This connotes a deeper meaning to the artist that you might not think at first.
I also think for the picture of the male artist on the front should be something like (picture on left)  as it shows a bold statement to the main song on the album and links well with the bold colours behind. I think the audience will feel it is interesting and fresh.

For the home page design i want the digipak to be the influence so they completely link as i believe if this artist is to make such a bold statement both products should be recognisable and be able to link to each other. The homepage will have the same tiny squared colourful collage as wallpaper but in brighter colours to give it a slightly different twist:
We want the different links on the website to be marked clearly for our audience to see ie: videos,gallery,tour dates, info about the artist in bold black lettering. We want a plain picture of a mans face in swirly shadowed UV. We feel this will link well with the background and to the digipak.

Music Video idea 2 digipak and homepage design

For my second music video the front of the digipak would have a blue background slightly faded with different shades of blue and green in the middle and on the edges. The picture of the girl in the video who represents who the band sings about is on the front.There is a close up of her side profileor face, her hair wet and brushed back against her head.  The  photo below of the painting with the coloured tears running down the womans face would be my idea on the girls face weather she was facing sideways or facing front. The colours would be light and watery almost bleeding off her face.
I chose a blue/ green background to represent the water theme in the music video. The girl on the front is to make the audience recognise the woman in the video and on the front of the digipak which shows clearly that she is the main focus of the bands music. Her hair pushed back of her face  and her bare skin is bold and gives the woman an edgy vibe. The bleeding colours on her face links to the video where the colors bleed through the water, making her look vulnerable and making the digipak cover and video link clearly for the audience. I also think the display of colours shows there is more to this band and the woman then you think and there is a hidden deeper meaning that the audience can work out for themselves.
                                  For the hompage design i want the colour theme to be strictly black and white. The woman's face again would be shown instead in shadows weather that's a pattern or words following the inspiration from the photos below. The titles on the page eg tour dates,gallery, etc will be bold and clear to keep it simple and classic to let the womans face which is edgy and strong stand out. There is an underlaying shadow that shows the band on a layer behind the womans face.
The black and white theme means that the titles are strong and easily read and lets the shadows stand out including the womans face and the band behind her. This is to show they are connected and all though the music is all about the woman it is the band who actually singing it. The shadows are to show what the band are singing is being marked on her for example different words. It almost has the image she is being disguised by the print like a puppet, and this also links to the digipak because there she has something else marking herface which is made bolder by a dark background.


Sunday, 6 September 2015

Music video idea 3 digipak and home page design

For the front of my digipak i would have the main singer from the band sat in a chair dressed in a very smart suit with his hair scraped back holding a wooden cane however he is slightly smiling at the camera and you can see he has a gold tooth that is caught in the light and is glinting, he is sat against a cream backdrop and the name of the artist which is the band name is ‘blackroads’ plastered across the top of the digipak case the word ‘black’ in white and the word ‘roads’ in black. 

I chose the main singer to be on the front of the digipak because i think for a bold statement the focus from the audience should be on one person and not the whole band. He is wearing a smart suit to show he is important and stylish and holding the cane to add age and authority, he appears like this on the outside to be sophisticated and important but the gold tooth that glints shows the audience that he is hiding something behind his appearance like a spark of youth and fun. The cream backdrop makes the band name in a bold title above appear bigger and the colours black and white contrast good and bad. 

  For the home page design the background is black and linking with the digipak the bands name Blackroads is in bold lettering at the top of the page this time the word ‘black’ in black and the word ‘roads’ in white. The background also has swirls of gold in the middle of the page that fade out to black around the edges of the page. The subtitles on the page including the blog, gallery, tour dates and information about the band are all in bold white making it clear to viewers and easy of for them to follow. The band members are all placed differently around the front of the home page all dressed impeciapply in suits however each person has something missing e.g. a shoe, a sock, a tie, a jacket. 

The background is black which is again in contrast with the digipak which is white showing that there is always good and bad to everything. The band name is in bold lettering to make it recognisable to the audience that the digipak and homepage link. the gold swirls in the middle of the page that fade out in to black represent that things aren't always as they appear on the outside as they are on the inside and the gold links to the tooth representing the secret idea in the digipak. The band members all dressed with something appears entices the audience as to what the band is hiding or not hiding and lets each individual person interpret it in different ways that goes with the bands brand image that there is always a deeper meaning it is not just how things appear on the outside.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Music Video IDEA 3

My third idea for a music video campaign is the song Brown Sugar by The Rolling stones. The video has a brief story line which is men and women dressed in old costume sitting around a table eating dinner in black and white using a Wes Anderson styled shot. One of the men sitting at the table then waves to a waiter as if to say ‘bring it in’ which then shows a close up of the man bringing in a pot of what is Brown Sugar as it is poured in everyones drink at the table and everyone takes a sip suddenly the shot cuts to coloured screen and 80s rock and roll costumes still in the style of Wes Anderson as everyone begins to dance and go crazy from the reaction of the Brown Sugar, aware that the original song is referencing heroin use this however is not an attempt to glamourise drug use but instead highlight the dangers and effects of increased sugar intake in the modern day diet. For example its addictive nature, bad health implications and short term boosts of energy. 

The artist is a rock and roll band hence the 80s themed costume and song choice. There image is bold and fun with lots of colour that attract all types of audience for example teenagers, middle aged and elderly people. They are bold and there songs contain current themes including the importance of health in Brown Sugar.The other artists they are similar too are The arctic monkeys who's songs have the same rock and roll atmosphere and who's songs are bold and different in there own ways. 
The performance aspect of this music idea is key for example the characters switch from serious, old fashioned and blank sitting at the table to wild and fun. The costume is very important as there would be old fashioned dresses, corsets, suits, tail coats etc that then turn in to 8os punk rock clothes: leather jackets, dresses, fishnets, boots, ripped shirts. The set is also extremely important as it would start as an old fashioned dining room with a long wooden table, chairs painting hung in the background that then changes to a party scene. 
The video fits in with the specific track because the song is all about consuming something that makes your body have a reaction and changes the way you feel, so the idea of brown sugar makes you go crazy and because the song is upbeat and has a heavy rock and roll theme which fits the party theme.

The video fits in with the brand image of the artist because the band are strong and bold, they do things no one else does and raise important issues like health in there music in a fun and entertaining way which makes them stand out and attract audiences and let them interpret the themes and questions raised. 

Music video IDEA 2

My second idea for a music video would be to the song spanish sahara by foals. The idea for this video would be underwater and because the song is slow the artist would be conveying the imagery of drowning. The setting would be the water but in different colours so one set would be just the water behind the artist, another would be a black background like they are weightlessly falling through the air, different colours leeking through the water like a bleeding effect, murky water, shadows, colour and different make up to outline different themes and feelings.

 The costume would be simple white and a flowing material that exaggerates the effect off the water and the close ups could show no costume at all but just bare skin e.g. face and arms. There is a performance element in some way as although the artist is floating through the water like they have no control over there body the performance is in there face showing the pain that supports the sadness from the song. Even though there is no particular story line i want the audience to be able to recognise the themes that constantly occur shown through imagery for example the red colour run in the photo below could show bleeding. The white costume could show purity depending on how the audience decide to interpret it. The artist in this video is a female and is similar too florence and the machine who also writes music that has a deeper meaning leaving the audience to work that out for themselves depending on there own personal opinion. The artist has an edgy image, she is interesting to look at and although shows a lot on the outside you can see she hides a lot on the inside which is the base of this video.

The video fits in with the track because as mentioned it is a slow song so the idea of drowning works because the beat has a fading tone that makes you feel and think of water. The video fits in with the brand image of the artist because the artist would usually write music with the same sort of theme so this could signify a story line to make all the artists music link.

here is a video that shows clearly the base of my idea

Music video IDEA 1

My first idea for a possible music video would be the song 'I say a little prayer for you' by Aretha Franklin. This idea would consist of a boy revealing himself as a transvestite.

The video would be of a regular teenage boy dressing up as a drag queen in the mirror in his bedroom filled with posters of footballers he then walks down the street being abused by other boys because he is dressed differently he then enters a bar where he having fun with lots of people, where he clearly feels comfortable.However this is all in reverse so it actually starts with him in the bar and finishes with him just a regular teenage boy about to put his make up on. This holds the suspense for the audience so they can try and work out what is happening for themselves to reveal a big bold statement at the end. It is also filmed all in one shot to keep the music video in full moving motion at all times which helps the audience understand the process in a more logical way.

The artist is a female, she is bold and different she wears interesting clothes and is not afraid to make statements. She is recognisable and edgy. She is similar to Lady Gaga who wants to shock her audience showing she is capable of anything.  For example a picture of her wearing a dress made of meat.
The performance involves a lot of costume and props for example drag dresses, high heels, make up, hand bags, a wig. The extravagant costume outlines the fact our artists video is bold and different.
The stylistic elements are that to keep the video fluid it is filmed in one shot and because of all the colour and extravagance it is to be filmed in the style of famous movie director Wes Anderson to outline this.
The video fits in with the track very well because the song is about a woman who is concerned about her beauty and this is ironic because the boy feels his best when in drag and that shows the audience there is a deeper meaning to what is on the surface which ties perfectly in to why the video fits in with the brand image of the artist because our artist is bold and different transvestitism isn't a topic that is discussed openly a lot so it is a brave subject for a music video which supports the entire themes and feelings of the artist entirely.