Water element
-We would definitely have to shoot the water element of this video in slow motion using wires that we can suspend our artist on in slow motion in order to achieve the floating effect.
-We will have to film it in in extra fast speed in order to be able to have the final video in slow motion.
-We would also have to use a fan in order to create the floating look, and to make the dress float.
-When concentrating on props we want to include a fan to create the floaty water idea with her dress and hair floating in the air to give an underwater theme and make it more realistic.
-After we film this element of the video we would then have to heavily edit it, so that it looks like she’s under water.
-We will have to make sure we have the right editing software in order to be able to edit it in this way.
-Our idea for the woods is a bit too ‘Alice in Wonderland’ i.e. abandoned objects in the woods (wardrobe,furniture)
-We'd need to get rid of anything that would be associated with Alice in Wonderland
-We have decided not to focus on our main character in every frame, however it would be hard to shoot this music video without incorporating her in every frame, so we should have her in every shot but we will focus more on the cotume, hair and art graphics then the 'Alice in wonderland objects'
-We will have to make sure we include the main character within every frame in this video so that the whole video revolves around our artist.
-Although they are both elements, the woods theme and the water theme are completely different so it would be difficult to link the two together however we will chose a simple theme like costume and design to link both elements as well as a third element that will be used instead of the alice in wonderland idea, we will have a bright/neon theme using colourful makeup, uv lights and graffiti on the trees.
-We will think of a method in which we'd be able to link the two themes together and make our video relevant throughout.
-We would need something in the water that relates to the woods theme so that the two link eg the way the costume can be fit around the location ie tying the loose fabric to the trees.
-We will think of something which we could include within the woods which links to the water and vice versa.
-Everyone has seen the water/ woods theme before, which means other people have already done it and people may have done it better than us so we need a new and original idea to make our video different and worth watching.
-We will further brainstorm our ideas in order to think of something which hasn't been done before and which is individual and innovative.
-If we have the water and woods elements it would make sense and link to then include the other elements – fire and air. We could incorporate this by using these elements with the projections we want to use in the woods.
-We will consider this idea and think of ways in which we could tie in these themes too.
-To make it interesting, we may have to intercut between the two.
-We will make sure, when editing our footage, that we intercut between the two as well as having enough footage of both elements.
-The costume that we have chosen is slightly unrealistic as it looks like it’s a handmade and expensive dress and the costume that we have chosen could also be too cold for the actor to wear in the woods, as we would be filming in winter.
-We will re-design our costume in order for it to be suitable for cold conditions, however we will try our hardest to design the dress in a way which makes it look tasteful and not tacky.
- To make the two elements link more successfully, we could have the dress changing colours i.e. colours bleeding down it in a dip dye sort of way.
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