Thursday, 10 September 2015

Music Video idea 2 digipak and homepage design

For my second music video the front of the digipak would have a blue background slightly faded with different shades of blue and green in the middle and on the edges. The picture of the girl in the video who represents who the band sings about is on the front.There is a close up of her side profileor face, her hair wet and brushed back against her head.  The  photo below of the painting with the coloured tears running down the womans face would be my idea on the girls face weather she was facing sideways or facing front. The colours would be light and watery almost bleeding off her face.
I chose a blue/ green background to represent the water theme in the music video. The girl on the front is to make the audience recognise the woman in the video and on the front of the digipak which shows clearly that she is the main focus of the bands music. Her hair pushed back of her face  and her bare skin is bold and gives the woman an edgy vibe. The bleeding colours on her face links to the video where the colors bleed through the water, making her look vulnerable and making the digipak cover and video link clearly for the audience. I also think the display of colours shows there is more to this band and the woman then you think and there is a hidden deeper meaning that the audience can work out for themselves.
                                  For the hompage design i want the colour theme to be strictly black and white. The woman's face again would be shown instead in shadows weather that's a pattern or words following the inspiration from the photos below. The titles on the page eg tour dates,gallery, etc will be bold and clear to keep it simple and classic to let the womans face which is edgy and strong stand out. There is an underlaying shadow that shows the band on a layer behind the womans face.
The black and white theme means that the titles are strong and easily read and lets the shadows stand out including the womans face and the band behind her. This is to show they are connected and all though the music is all about the woman it is the band who actually singing it. The shadows are to show what the band are singing is being marked on her for example different words. It almost has the image she is being disguised by the print like a puppet, and this also links to the digipak because there she has something else marking herface which is made bolder by a dark background.


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