Sunday, 11 October 2015

Audience feedback for animatic story board

Here is the feedback from both of the other groups who watched our animatic story board:

  1. Do you understand the narrative/concept? 
  2. I do not fully understand the narrative, but thats probably because its drawings. When its done it will probably be a lot clearer. 
  1. Is your a star obvious?
  2. Yes, her costume makes her stand out! Im sure when it is done it will look amazing. 
  1. Does it flow well as an edit and an idea? 
  2. Yes it flows well, I like how there are a variety of shots. However I would focus even more on the star.
  1. It is too repetitive? 
A little bit, it needs something more. A wow factor! 
  1. Style work with the genre? 
Yes the style works with the conventions of the genre. I like how it is set in the forest, and I also like the stars costume how it is very floaty. 
Understanding the concept/narrative
I don’t think it is narrative based. There are shots of a man and a woman in the woods, sometimes together, sometimes alone, it is quite hard to understand what’s going on but then maybe that is the point as it reflects the abstract aspect of the video and song.

What did you like about it
I liked how the duration of the shots of the girl floating with fabric were long as that is an interesting aspect of the video. I also like how the editing and cutting starts off slow with the music but cuts fast and in time to the music once the beat comes in. 

What did you not like about it
Some of the shots which cut from one to another were a bit random, it would cut to a woman floating in a dress to something irrelevant to that which was quite confusing. I also thought nearer the end a lot of the shot cutting was not in time with the song. The song was also very very long.

Is the animatic too repetitive and why/what
I think that because their song is quite long, they have so many different shot types of different people and in different places, which keeps the audience interested and their variety of ideas in the music video helps to keep us from getting bored.

Star image is it obvious
There are shots of the woman close up singing on her own and she looks like she has a very specific style which would portray her star image well i think.

Style work with genre or not
The element of a girl floating with fabrics moving around her fits in well with the sort of modern and funky element of the song.

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