Wednesday, 21 October 2015


why have you done/organised  a rehearsal?
We have organised a rehearsal to see weather our preferred actress and actor fit the part and look how we imagine them to look performing to the song in each location (woods + water) for example if either the female or male role did not perform confidently to the song then we would have to recast or if they did not have the look that we imagined that matched the theme of the song then again we would have to recast. Even though the male actor was unable to make the filming of our rehearsal we still have seen them perform and are happy that they will be good enough and Esme our first choice female character definitely fitted the part.

What has the process shown you need to develop and how are you going to do this?
The process has shown us the sort of frames and shots that we have in that particular location for example when esme was performing to the song we filmed her in a wide shot. The way we would develop the rehearsal stage and use it to help us on the filming day would be to make sure that she is filling the whole frame most of the time so that there is not to much empty space behind her.

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