Sunday, 25 October 2015

Costume - Female

For our music video the costume is a huge part. We want it to be the main focus for the audience as it links all the sets together. Our original idea is for Esme to wear like a tight strapless slip on the bottom and then get lots of different materials and wrap them around her so she is submerged in fabric. We can then adapt these different materials and use them in the set for example with the fishing wire moving them around like she is underwater, tying them to the tops of branches in the woods. The extra fabric should have a ragged look rather then just white flawy material that we have all seen before. It should look different and interesting which will tie in to both of our sets well with an edgy theme. 
These are the sorts of materials that we want coming of our dress in these natural colours of beige,white,cream. However the strips need to be longer and thicker to be able to work with them on set but i like the way this skirt is structured.

 Here is another similar skirt with longer material which i prefer however it i to yellow/beige i would want more whites in the colour scheme otherwise i don't think it will work with a water set and in the woods, the colours would fit at all but again i like the structure of the skirt the materials just need to be a lot longer. 
I like the way this net material hangs and flows out ward and i think we could start with this on the bottom layer of our dress to make the other materials look thicker and puff out slightly.
 Although this dress is only made up of one fabric, i think its chic and elegant and maybe we should stick to only a few types instead of loads which could be to much. The flow of the dress fills the space really well which is what we want.
 This is Alexander Mcqueen a very famous dress designer and one of my personal favourites. I really like the way the fabric looks so thin but there are so many layers and it contrasts well to the tight dress shape. I think to get our dress looking like we want it to with all the layers but still flowy we need to build up the fabrics to create this thinking about which colours go where to get the best effect. 

 The way the girl is being submerged in fabric underwater is exactly the look we are trying to achieve which is what makes the dress so noticeable and such a main feature of the set. Even if it is only a few types of fabric to keep it relatively simple there has to be loads of it to achieve this look especially using the fishing wire in the studio we can do a lot with the dress to make her look underwater.

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